Saturday, January 17, 2015

iTeach808 - Coding Computer Science

Introduction to Myself

Introduction to and the Hour of Code Concept

Even our President codes!

What's our experience with coding?

Who's in the room?

What is coding?  What is pre-coding?

What are the benefits of coding?

What are the tools we can leverage with our students to get them started?


Log-in to the App Store to Download:
  1. Scratch Jr. (Beginner PreK-3+)
  2. Tynker (Intermediate 3-8+)
  3. Codeacademy: Hour of Code (Advanced 8-12+)

Online with an iPad:

Khan Academy

Flappy Birds
      Flappy Birds and Examples: MaddieGinny and Katelyn.

Now we'll participate in our own, 1/4 Hour of Code!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Kukulu Kaiaulu 2014: Building a Paperless Classroom with Google Apps for Education

Managing multiple student files is never an easy task.  Whether we're dealing with physical worksheets, large video files or digital other physical or digital projects... depending on how we organize ourselves and train our students... things can still get lost in the shuffle.

That's why I really appreciate how Google has helped me to become a better organized teacher by handling all of the paperwork for me so I can focus on curriculum development and assessment.

When I started using the Google Spreadsheets Add-on called Doctopus, my workflow got even better. Doctopus allows me to quickly take a template worksheet document I have and replicate and distribute a unique copy to each of my students.  I keep ownership of each file, can access the student documents 24-7 and can quickly grade and give feedback to individual students easily.

The school I teach at, Le Jardin Academy, we use rubrics exclusively to assess student work and give feedback.  An additional Google Spreadsheets Add-on Goobric (which works with Doctopus) allows me to assess students work using a pre-determined rubric.  This rubric gets inserted on the end of a students document complete with their score and feedback i've given them.

Google Apps for Education Suite of programs including Drive, Docs and Spreadsheets and the Spreadsheet Add-ons has saved me lots of time and energy... giving me an opportunity to give that time back to my students in more useful ways!

Resources for the session 

Session Presentation File: Session Resource Folder

Doctopus and Goobric Tutorial Video Links:

Kukulu Kaiaulu: Bloggers of the World Unite!

Aloha and welcome to today's session on Blogs as Digital Portfolio and Public Presentation spaces on the web!

This sessions will focus on how digital portfolios are enabling students and educators to become more impactful presenters, independent thinkers and adept reflectors.  Student confidence in themselves and their abilities, when framed through presentation and reflection on past accomplishments and experiences help prepare them to take on new challenges with a sense of pride and positive self worth.

We'll learn how quick and simple it is to create a blog using the blogger platform and get up and running with posting content and making simple adjustments to the look and feel of the blog as well as how viewers access it and who can see it.
We'll spend some time looking at some of the ways teachers are successfully using blogs in their classrooms as digital archives, learning workspaces and growth showcases.  We'll enter into a discussion on some of the questions teachers and schools need to ask themselves before starting a digital ePortfolio program and how to we support students in learning the necessary skills needed to manage their work. 


Link to Blogger's "Getting Started" Help Site:

When I first started teaching my students how to use the Blogger platform, I developed a series of video tutorials to help introduce them to the various parts of Blogger.  Watching the videos saved me lots of time in explaining the same thing over and over again for my students.  Shortly thereafter I created a worksheet to accompany the video to help the students reflect on what they were learning while watching the videos.  Here are the links to both the videos and the worksheet.

Link to the Student "Getting Started with Blogger" PDF Packet:

Additional Resources: 

Dr. Helen Barrett: 3 Levels of ePortfolio Development in Schools

Elementary Age:

Middle and High School:

Student Blogging/Posting Guidelines:

Parent Letters and Waiver Examples:

ePortfolio Rubrics: Dan  Wilson - U of Wisconsin Stout -

Saturday, April 12, 2014

iTeach808 Ask the Expert Workshop: Classroom in the Cloud with Doctopus, Goobric and Flubaroo!

Managing multiple student files is never an easy task.  Whether we're dealing with physical worksheets, large video files or digital other physical or digital projects... depending on how we organize ourselves and train our students... things can still get lost in the shuffle.

That's why I really appreciate how Google has helped me to become a better organized teacher by handling all of the paperwork for me so I can focus on curriculum development and assessment.

When I started using the Google Spreadsheets Add-on called Doctopus, my workflow got even better. Doctopus allows me to quickly take a template worksheet document I have and replicate and distribute a unique copy to each of my students.  I keep ownership of each file, can access the student documents 24-7 and can quickly grade and give feedback to individual students easily.

The school I teach at, Le Jardin Academy, we use rubrics exclusively to assess student work and give feedback.  An additional Google Spreadsheets Add-on Goobric (which works with Doctopus) allows me to assess students work using a pre-determined rubric.  This rubric gets inserted on the end of a students document complete with their score and feedback i've given them.

Sometimes I might need to assess students knowledge via a quiz.  Google helps me again by allowing me to create quizzes using the Google Forms tool.  Once i've created a form, I can also attach another Google Spreadsheet Add-on named Flubaroo which will automatically grade portions of the quiz for me.

Google Apps for Education Suite of programs including Drive, Docs and Spreadsheets and the Spreadsheet Add-ons has saved me lots of time and energy... giving me an opportunity to give that time back to my students in more useful ways!

Resources for the session 

Session Presentation File: Session Resource Folder

Session Back Channel:

Session Flubaroo Survey:  Presidential Survey

Link to a copy of the NEW Google Spreadsheets: Sample Spreadsheet to COPY(if needed)

Download Chrome:

Video Tutorials:

The following videos were created by Jay Atwood, an amazing Google Apps for Education Certified Trainer and Teacher.

The New Doctopus and Add-ons Gallery

Doctopus: Creating Class Folders

Goobric: Assessing Student Work

Flubaroo Overview

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

iTeach808 Session 4: Maximize Google Apps for Education with Doctopus, Goobric and Flubaroo

Using the Google Action Scripts, of Doctopus, Goobric and Flubaroo allows me to collect manage my classrooms easier than ever.  With Doctopus, I can quickly and simply create student digital worksheet copies from a template document.  Adding on the Goobric Action Script allows me to attach a custom Rubric to provide direct and timely feedback to students.  Finally, to save time, I use the Flubaroo to help me quickly grade any of the quizzes I give to my students!

Resources for the session

Session Presentation File: Session Resource Folder

Session Back Channel:

Session Questions and Answers Document

Session Post-Survey:

Session Flubaroo Survey:  Presidential Survey

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Teach808 Post-Session 3: Reflections and Additional Resources

Managing multiple student files is never an easy task.  Whether we're dealing with physical worksheets, large video files or digital other physical or digital projects... depending on how we organize ourselves and train our students... things can still get lost in the shuffle.

That is why I appreciate how Docotopus helps me to mitigate those missing files by helping manage where files are created, controlled, shared and assessed.

In our last session on Creating a Paperless Classroom, we talked about ensuring that you've set yourself up for success by starting off each year with the correct structure and process in place.  Creating your class section contact list with your rosters, using a standard naming convention and setting up Google Folders with the right sharing sessions and permissions can help make sure the year starts off smoothly and continues that way.

Managing multiple students files and giving easy and detailed feedback gets easier with Doctopus and Goobric - Google Spreadsheet Scripts that help me and my students in and out of the classroom.  Below you'll find two great videos produced by Google Apps for Education (GAFE) Certified Trainer and Certified Teacher, Jay Atwood.  In these two videos, Jay shows us how to set up a Doctopus Spreadsheet to create and share documents* and then how to create and attach a Goobric Rubric to assess our students work and communicate our feedback to them.

I suggest setting aside some time to watch these and try out what Jay's showing.  Also, be sure to watch them in full screen at the highest resolution (720p) so you can easily see the details and follow along.

Doctopus 4.0 Walkthrough:

Goobric Walkthrough

*As a reminder, when making your Google Docs worksheet templates, be advised that Google Documents with tables do not currently display natively in the Google Drive app in iOS 6 & iOS7 on the iPad.  If you create worksheets for your students that have tables inside, in order for them to see and work on them properly, they'll have to do it in the Safari App which can be a bit confusing.  The rule of them for worksheets meant to be edited on the iPad is to not included tables at this time.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Building a Paperless Classroom in the Cloud using Google Apps for Education


For those teachers using Google Documents to replace hard-copy printed work in the classroom, often file management can be problematic.  When students create a Google Document, spreadsheet or presentation... by default it's not shared with you.  Teaching students how to share documents is helpful, but the last thing I want is an email box full of notifications informing me that I've been granted access to 20 plus student documents with each of my 7 sections of students.  Additionally, now I've got a Google Drive folder that's full of individual documents that have no organization.  There is a better way...

Resources for the session

Session Presentation File: Presentation Link & Session Resource Folder

Session Back Channel:

Session Questions and Answers Document

Session Post-Survey: